Texas Educational Diagnostician Association
(TEDA) General Session Meeting |MINUTES
March 27, 2023 |12:00pm| Meeting location 2023 TEDA Conference
Type of meeting TEDA Board Meeting
President Georgene Moon
Recoding Secretary Mertie Gomez
Called to order 12:00noon
Bourget, Agathe (Past President)
Broome, Diane (President-Elect)
Edwards, Cynthia (Scholarship)
Gomez, Mertie (Recording Secretary)
Grigsby, Frieda (Organizational Affairs)
Hamm, Brenda (Administrator)
Harris, Lori (Government Awareness)
Jackson, Sonya (Membership Secretary)
Key, Gloria (Organizational Affairs)
Keys, Brenda (Treasurer)
Lambeth, Leah (Conference Committee)
Moon, Georgene (President)
Quiram, Kim (Conference Chair)
• Introduction of the Board
• Call to Order
• Roll Call
• Review of Minutes
• Treasurer Report
• Membership and Insurance Report
• Officer and Committee Reports
o President
o Past-President
o President-Elect
o Conference Committee
o Government Awareness Report
o DiaLog Report
o Scholarship
o Organizational Affairs
• Old Business
• New Business
• Adjournment
Meeting was called to order at 12:15pm
Agenda topic Introduction of the Board | Presenter Georgene Moon
Discussion: Minutes from previous board meeting (01/23/2023) were reviewed. Lori Harris moved to accept
January 23, 2023, minutes and Michelle Cox seconded the motion. Motion carried.
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Agenda topic Roll Call | Presenter Georgene Moon
Chapter Roll Call
• Chapter 1 – 0
• Chapter 2 – 6
• Chapter 3 – 0
• Chapter 4 – 22
• Chapter 5 – 5
• Chapter 6 – 6
• Chapter 7 – 14
• Chapter 8 – 3
• Chapter 9 – 5
• Chapter 10 – 51
• Chapter 11 – 25
• Chapter 12 – 27
• Chapter 13 – 219
• Chapter 14 – 1
• Chapter 15 – 3
• Chapter 16 – 13
• Chapter 17 – 13
• Chapter 18 – 7
• Chapter 19 – 0
• Chapter 20 – 2
• Members at large – 0
• Total Attendance = 412
• 17 of 20 chapters were represented.
Agenda topic Treasurer’s Report | Presenter Brenda Keys
Discussion: Brenda Keys submitted the Treasurer’s Report prior to the meeting. Georgene Moon reviewed the
Treasurer’s Report (Profit and Loss Statement). Presently, Income (Aug. 2022 – March 2023) – $294,250.46.
Expenses (Aug. 2022 – March 2023) – $110,089.67. Net Income – (Aug. 2022 – March 2023) – 184,160.79.
Treasurer’s Report will be on file for review. The Board agreed on 03/26/2023 to increase reimbursement to
Chapters from $15 to $20 for active/associate/professional members and to increase student/retired
reimbursement to Chapters from $5 to $10.
Report is in the record for audit purposes.
Agenda topic Membership and Insurance Report | Presenter Sonya Jackson
Discussion: Sonya Jackson presented the membership and insurance count (as of 03/26/2023). Brenda Hamm
updated the Membership and Insurance Report counts.
• 30 retired members
• 1597 active members
• 11 associates
• 9 professional affiliates
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• 168 student affiliates
• 1049 active members with professional liability
• 121 student affiliates with professional liability
Agathe Bourget made a motion to accept the Membership and Insurance Report. Diane Broom seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Agenda topic President Report | Presenter Georgene Moon
Discussion: Georgene Moon welcomed all members and thanked them for their continued support of TEDA.
Reviewed some of the accomplishments for the past year, virtual Leadership Training in October, planning that
went into this conference and special thanks to the Conference Chair, Kim Quiram, and to the entire committee
and volunteers from the Irving Convention and Planning team who volunteered their time. She also gave special
thanks to Co-Chair Jeanne McKinney, who could not attend the conference.
Agenda topic Past-President Report | Presenter Agathe Bourget
Discussion: Agathe Bourget reports that there were several individuals interested in leadership positions; however,
they did not hold the appropriate requirements. Election results were announced, and Brenda Keys is returning as
Treasurer and Barbara Rust will be our new President-Elect.
Leah Lambeth made a motion to accept the Past-President Report. Tracy Hale seconded the motion. Motion
Agenda topic President-Elect Report | Presenter Diane Broome
Discussion: Diane Broome reported that she will continue to reach out to Region 16 for interest in leadership
training for Region 16 Chapter of TEDA.
One of our most important goals this year has been to encourage chapters to become more active and to reactivate
if they are not currently active. We’ve had a busy year with several meetings, form and informal, for Leadership
Training and are looking forward to meeting people at tomorrow’s session, as well as our Summer Leadership
training. At the October Leadership training members from 11 chapters participated. With the help of Service
Center reps, Frieda Grigsby, and Leah Lambeth, George Moon has visited via Zoom with the following chapters:
• Region 9 (Wichita Falls) Zoom on 10/13/2022
• Region 7 (Kilgore) in Person on 10/24/2022
• Region 19 (El Paso) Zoom on 12/14/2022
• Region 8 (Pittsburg) Zoom on 01/12/2023
• Region 14 (Abilene) Zoom on 01/24/2023
Upcoming meetings:
• TEDA Conference on 03/26/2023
• Region 7 (ETEDA) in Person on 04/28/2023
• Summer Leadership in Person on 07/21/2023
If you have had any opportunities, please let me know so that we can add to our lists. If you have contacts with
other chapters or Service Centers and want to meet with them or ask Georgene or myself (Diane) to meet with
them, just let us know.
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Agenda topic Conference Report | Presenter Kim Quiram
Discussion: Thank you all for attending this year’s conference and celebrating 50 years of TEDA.
We are working on getting a site for the 2023-24 TEDA Conference. Irving has been very supportive on the
organization and working to make sure the conference was a success.
Little did we know that after COVID our enrollment for the conference would grow so quickly. In the past two
years, attendance has grown from 350 to 653 attendees. Irving Convention Center and the Westin Galleria are
being sought for the next conference to accommodate the growing numbers. Dates have not been confirmed but
consideration is for this same time next spring.
If you have suggestions or recommendations for speakers and/or topics for next year, you can email this
information to [email protected]
Agenda topic Dialog | Presenter Georgene Moon for Renee Kwiatek
Discussion: The Spring 2023 issue is finishing the review process. We hope to have it to you by late May.
We will be including a celebration of TEDA’s 50 years supporting Educational Diagnosticians. If any TEDA
member, current or past has pictures of TEDA events they would like to submit for consideration of inclusion,
please sent them to [email protected] . Even if we don’t print them all, we may have a special tab on our
website for all to enjoy.
While we actively seek articles for our journal, we also would like information from chapters highlighting your
activities. Please send pictures and/or a brief write up to [email protected] .
We are working on getting DOIs for DiaLog articles making it easier to find them in university search engines. This
may also attract more authors.
Submission deadlines: Dec. 31, 2023 for Spring edition, May 30th for fall edition. There is flexibility for members
submitting items that are not articles needing to go through the review process.
Agenda topic Government Awareness Report | Presenter Lori Harris
Discussion: Lori Harris shared the following:
State Issues
The 88
th Texas legislative session started January 10
th and June 18
th is the last day for the governor to sign or veto
Multiple bills have been filed including ones dealing with renaming the ARD committee to IEP Team
(individualized education program team) HB 272 to SB 176 which states “money follows the child” as directed by
the parent to the educational services they think is best. HB 3928 states that if an LSSP or Diagnostician assess for
Dyslexia and the student does not qualify in that area, a trained dyslexia specialist must be “included in the
interpretation of the evaluation data and co-sign the evaluation.” HB 2831 would change the term Emotional
Disturbance to Emotional Dysregulation.” HB 5216 indicates who has to be involved with the development of a
BIP. Several Bills dealing with school funding have been posted at https://capitol.texas.gov/MnuSearch.aspx.
TEA has released a document titled “Developing Thriving Teacher Workforce in Texas,” which gives suggestions
on how to address the teacher shortage https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/tvtf-final-report.pdf.
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A committee composed of members of the house of representative and senate published the Texas Commission
on Special Education Funding Report to the 88
th Texas Legislature in December 2022 per request of the 87
Legislature https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/texas-commission-on-speciale-ducation-funding.pdf.
The Child Find Network has posted that they will have a virtual conference July 17-18, 2023
Federal Issues
The 118th Congress is in session and the current prosed budget would significantly increase IDEA Part B and D
Oral arguments for Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools were presented to the Supreme Court in January. This case
could significantly change the “course of the dispute resolution process for school districts,” and deals with both
www.txeda.org , http://framework.esc18.net , www.legis.state.tx.us , www.cec.sped.org , www.tea.state.tx.us ,
www.ed.gov , https://sites.ed.gov/idea/ , www.houmet.org
Agenda topic Organizational Affairs | Presenter Gloria Key
Discussion: We would like to encourage TEDA members who are interested in serving on the TEDA State Board
of Directors to make contact with one of the TEDA Board members. As state in the State TEDA Bylaws, all
members of the Board of Directors (Executive Board) must be certified by the State of Texas as an Educational
Diagnostician, currently performing (or have performed) the duties of an educational diagnostician at he time of
their election to office, a currently paid member of TEDA for at least the last three (3) years, and active in TED
(local or state level) for the last 3 years. Active will be defined as actively serving on a committee or as an officer.
Start looking ahead now in order to be prepared when you would like to be a candidate for a state office.
Agenda topic Scholarship | Presenter Cynthia Edwards
Discussion: Cynthia Edwards reported that two scholarship recipients (Donessa DeLoon and Chaleece San
Miguel) will be in attendance at the conference. Six (6) scholarships were distributed from 20 applications. A
reminder for scholarship application deadline will be sent. The scholarship PO box’s cost is shared with HouMet.
She requests that the cost be shared between TEDA and HouMet.
Agenda topic Old Business | Presenter Georgene Moon
Discussion: Nothing to report
Agenda topic New Business | Presenter Georgene Moon
Discussion: Nothing to report.
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Agenda topic Adjourn | Presenter Georgene Moon
Discussion Door prizes were announced. Diane Broome made a motion to adjourn. Agathe Bourget seconded
the motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 12:50pm.